
Start early to help your puppy become the best dog she can be. Puppy School Hobart can get you there.
Group training in a supportive settingFive week accredited reward-based puppy school servicing Hobart & Eastern Shore suitable for puppies aged 8-17 weeks specifically designed to teach positive proactive experiences during the critical socialisation period.
weekly fun themes
Positively exposing puppies to novelty and a multitude of environments daily during the critical window of socialisation (up to16 weeks) will help puppies grow into well, adjusted companion dogs.

Create a long-lasting bond between you and your puppy.

A step by step approach to common puppy behaviours such as play biting and mouthing, chewing, toileting and jumping.
The prevention of behaviour problems is much easier than a lifetime of treatment for behavioural problems and financial resources.
group training in a supportive setting
Five week accredited reward-based puppy school servicing Hobart & Eastern Shore suitable for puppies aged 8-17 weeks specifically designed to teach positive proactive experiences during the critical socialisation period.
Rolling Intakes – No waiting for set class dates. Sessions are rotationally based with various fun themes and basic foundation behaviours so that puppies can join at any time.
PUPPY ORIENTATION - Online Zoom Session (1.5hrs)
Orientation includes toilet training, puppy mouthing and nipping, chewing, jumping, puppy-proofing your home, management around children, appropriate enrichment, crate/independence training, defining socialisation, positive reinforcement training methods and equipment recommendations.
WEEKLY theme-based training sessions x 4
Each week puppies will learn to interact with fun themes including:-
Obstacles & Sounds – habituation to new surfaces, obstacles and various sounds.
Handling – preparing for a vet visit, accept handling and restraint, prepare for nail clipping, acclimation to harness, cones, muzzles and brushing.
Wheels & Children’s Toys – habituation to children’s toys, skateboard, bikes etc.
People, Costumes & Appearances – habituation to familiar and unfamiliar appearances (hoodies, umbrellas, masks, big hats, beards, unusual head-gear, walking sticks etc.)
Foundation behaviours that are covered during the course include:-
Respond to Name/Eye Contact/Look
Sit (hand signal/verbal cue)
Settle on a Mat
Recall basics
Collar Hold
Hand Target
Leave food and objects
Food Bowl
Loose leash walking (intro)
Off-leash play each session including education puppy parents on appropriate play.
Puppy Start Right Class $225
4 Puppy Socialisation Sessions FREE
Rescue & Breeder’s Discount $199. Contact for discount code
Browse through our frequently asked questions.
Got a Question?
What will I learn?Puppy Start Right is much more than socialising with other dogs. It is a pro-active positive approach to learning to love their world through exploration, problem solving, prevention, management and training. Having fun with puppy is the number one priority. Building lifelong relationship with your puppy right from the start Being confident around new and novel stimuli, people, sounds, dogs and animals How to use positive pro-active experiences during critical socialisation Importance of exploring environments at puppy’s own pace Positive approach to problem solving, prevention and training Non-aversive handling and restraint techniques to build positive associations with husbandry, grooming and visits to the Vet Understanding of normal canine behaviour How to read canine body language Independence to help prevent separation distress Successful puppy play interactions and exercise recommendations Fun, Socialisation Themes: Wheels and Children’s Toys Health and Handling People, Costumes and Appearances & Sounds Obstacles and Sounds Training Topics: Clicker Training Attention / Name Game Targeting Sit Recall/Come Leave food and objects (prevent resource guarding) Drop It (Give/Take/Exchange Targeting Loose Leash Walking (Introduction) Prevention, Problem Solving & management Topics Play Biting/Mouthing Toilet Training Chewing Jumping Crate/confinement training Handling and restraint (including grooming tips) Muzzle Training Counter surfing/stealing objects Digging Independence training Hide and seek game Food Bowl exercise (resource guarding & growling) Gotcha Game (Collar Grab) Spay and Neuter
How is this structured?Orientation online zoom session held weekly 4 face-to-face theme based training sessions once per week Assigned practical training tasks Small group specialized sessions Facilitated puppy socialisation play sessions
When can I start?Puppy Start Right is an online “rolling intake” course. There are no set start dates. The course is five weeks from the date of enrolment. The main advantage is that you can start as soon as your puppy arrives home – no waiting! Start Early to Start Right. You will also link up with other puppy parents on private online groups to learn and share experiences.
How old does my puppy need to be?This program is preferably suited for puppies 8-16 weeks of age although consideration will be given to older puppies. Start Early to Start Right. If you have recently adopted an adolescent dog this program may also be suitable. A vaccination certificate is required in order to start this program. A puppy must have had its first vaccination plus two weeks to participate in puppy play dates (if applicable).
What equipment is required?An equipment list will be provided during the Orientation. To get started you will need:- Treat pouch Clicker Puppy Start Right Book – Kindle version or print version
Don't I have to wait until my puppy is fully vaccinated?The risk of illness from exposure to infectious disease is a concern because puppies have not completed their full vaccinations until after 16 weeks of age. However, lack of socialisation in public places is behaviourally damaging and of greater risk to your puppy. Vaccinations and early puppy socialisation are equally as important. The finite window of socialisation closes by 16 weeks of age therefore controlled socialisation and exposure are important during this period. Early puppy socialisation is a way to prevent the development of behaviour problems. More dogs die each year due to behavioural issues than infectious disease. Use common sense. Many diseases are passed via contact with faeces from an infected dog. Avoid public and populated dog areas such as dog parks and restrict to non-grass areas. Carry your puppy to the beach foreshore rather than walk. See the AVSAB on Puppy Socialisation.
Why socialisation over obedience?The socialisation period is the most influential learning period of a dog’s life. What a puppy learns during the socialisation period will have a life-long effect on his personality and how he reacts to meeting new people, making new dog friends, getting along with the cat and being chilled in different environments. This stage of development is when puppies can readily learn not to fear new things and to develop appropriate social behaviour. As your puppy grows that openness will dwindle. Puppy’s genes will tell him to be wary of anything he hasn’t already had plenty of positive experience with. Whilst puppy behaviours such as biting, nipping, jumping and toilet training are on top of the list and are important, ensuring that puppies love the world they live in is critical. Obedience behaviours such as Sit, Drop, Come, Stand, Stay etc. can be taught at any stage of a dog’s life. Adult dogs love to learn. It is never too late. If you missed the socialisation window, it is not too late. In fact, socialisation continues right through a dog’s life. It just means that it will take longer, use treats liberally and allow puppy to investigate at his own pace.
Why Puppy Start Right?Puppy Start Right program is an accredited science-based program developed by the Karen Pyror Academy (KPA). The authors include Dr. Kenneth Martin, DVM, Dipl. ACVB, a board certified veterinarian behaviorist and his wife Debbie Martin, CPDT-KA, KPA CTP, LVT, VTS (Behavior), a professional dog trainer and faculty member of the Karen Pryor Academy. The sessions will be instructed by Vicki Cleaver of CleverPawz Oz who is a certified Puppy Start Right Instructor and Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner (KPA-CPT).